Monday, January 28, 2008

Thats love

When he saw her lying unconscious on the bathroom floor his heart couldn't take it. He called 911 to report her condition but never indicated that he was having any problems of his own. The aid crew arrived and found that that they had 2 patients. The woman, dead before they arrived and her husband, dying from a broken heart. They worked him and rushed him to the hospital as soon as the deputy arrived at the death investigation.

One of the many examples of what goes on out in the field and we have no idea until its over. When the aid crew called out with CPR in progress we assumed it was the woman for whom the ambulance was sent in the first place. I believe we were wrong.

Bubba is doing much better today. He was such a trooper! Twice while he was being sick he was so dang funny - is that mean to say? There he is, all 37 pounds of him, puking his guts out and I am in the bathroom with him saying reassuring things like "Don't worry, Baby... You're being so brave, Baby... Just let it come out, Baby."

At one point on Saturday night (as he is puking) we have this conversation:
"Do me a favor..." (puke)
"Sure, what is it?"
"don't call..." (puke)
"me..." (puke)
"babyanymore..." (puke)
(I hide a grin as my heart kind of breaks) "okay Bab...Bub ... dude."

On Sunday, after eating a red Popsicle that didn't stay down, this is our conversation:
"Don't worry..." (puke)
"its not..." (puke)
"blood..." (puke)
"just red..." (puke)
"Popsicle" we finish together.

Who does that? Has a complete conversation while they are puking? I don't think I can think when I am being sick. I am concentrating on getting it over with. What a kid.

I kept him home from school today, his fever didn't break until sometime during the night. Its a good thing too, he has been taking a nap since noon-ish. I should probably wake him up soon.

1 comment:

thewayseeker said...

Oy! Hope he feels better soon.