Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lucky. Part II

There is a HUGE pile of laundry that accrued while my sister was here because they were sleeping in the laundry/guest room.

I piled it in the living room to remind me to get it done today which was pretty effective! I worked on it this morning then at 11ish I picked Bubba up from school, met Auntie La La for lunch at McDonalds so Little Boy Cousin could run about before the 3 hour car ride and then came home, switched yet another load of laundry then rushed out to a 1:00 meeting.

My MIL came over to watch the kids while I was out. I came home and the first thing I thought of was getting another load in the washer but it was running. "Funny" I thought to myself "I thought it would be done by now." But there is plenty of other stuff to do so I didn't pay too much attention to it.

Bubba and I sat down to work on his homework packet and while we were sitting there Miss I woke up (too early) from her nap. Her little snuggly thing (we call it "Pinkie") was in the laundry so I ran down thinking it would be dry and I could take it to her to get her to go back to sleep. I opened the dryer to find the laundry still damp and no Pinkie in sight. "Odd" I thought "I am sure it was in the load I had in the dryer. In fact, I had reds in the dryer and these are white ..." I pondered this a minute and it occurred to me that maybe my MIL had switched and started another load of laundry. SHE DID! Not only that SHE FOLDED THE DRY LOAD!!! I gave Pinkie to Miss I, she is fast asleep and an extra load of laundry got done.

Am I lucky or what? I am. I know not everyone would think this is the best thing "YIKES!!! Your MIL touched your laundry?!!!" Not me. Bring on the servants! Fold my laundry? Please. Clean my shower? Double yes and thank you! Theres not much help around the house I refuse. EVER. Ironically I have a hard time asking for help with it. Go figure. Actually, when I think of it, I have a hard time asking for help with most everything.

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