Sunday, December 27, 2009


Now its time for the post-Christmas blues.

Coming down off the sugar high, the booze, and the other self-indulgent stuff of the past week. Sleeping in, eating very poorly, sitting around all day and all night, sleeping in, good food. Did I mention sleeping and eating? Drinking? :)

Its the days after, where you look at all the loot and go "but I didn't get a ..." or "Jeez, I am such a spoiled brat." Personally, spoiled brat is where I am at!

We had so many Christmas celebrations I lost count. It started two weekends ago when LK was in town. We did a birthday/Christmas thing with her. Then last weekend my dad was in town and we did a "Miller Christmas" thing with that side of the family and then a Christmas/birthday thing for the kids with my dad and his family. (That's 3 if you have lost count.)

Sunday of that weekend we went to My Honey's work party where Santa always shows up with something for the kids. Wednesday was family dinner with my mom. Thursday was Christmas Eve with My Honey's family. Friday was Christmas Day at home then dinner at his sisters'. Saturday ... What did we do yesterday? I think nothing. We took the kids out in the afternoon to get some fresh air and to do some shopping (where we all got something new). Today my step-dad visited then we went grocery shopping aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, we're done! Whew! Five of the past 7 days my kids have opened at least one present. This week will be such a downer.

Maybe I will re-wrap their presents so they don't feel un-spoiled. Whatever. I won't. I think that was seven Christmas celebrations in all. GROSS. I mean, really. Who needs SEVEN Christmas celebrations? Correction: EIGHT. Eight Christmases. Double gross.

Some would be thankful for just one. I realize and appreciate that. I really do. How do I transfer that knowledge to my kids? Interesting question.

Now its into the work week. Sort of. I don't work until Wednesday, but I really need to work on getting to bed early. Maybe being forced to get out of bed before 10:30 in the morning will help? The past few days My Honey has taken the morning shift. Lucky me. But not so much when it comes to going back to work!

Early morning swim or aerobics, here I come!!!!

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