Thursday, December 13, 2007


One of my officer-friends had an old tattoo embellished last week. He came up to show it off to me during his shift one night/early morning. I left my frequency in the capable hands of a team mate and followed the officer into our break room where he disrobed to his waist to show me the tattoo on his shoulder.

As we were walking back to the break room I had this little voice in my head asking me several questions: What will everyone think, me and him leaving the room at the same time? Should I really be going to look at his tattoo at all? As he was disrobing I had even more questions: Is this okay? What if someone walks in? What will they think? (Probably lucky girl). And, I think I better leave the door open.

At the same instant we both said something to the effect of "this looks really bad, I hope no one walks in." Well, no one walked in and I got a good look at his tat (among other things) on his shoulder. It started as a hand drawn portrait of his daughter that the tat artist was able to re-create. That in and of itself was very tasteful. The work he had done last week took 6 (yes SIX) more hours of work. The artist embellished the tattoo with an open book, musical notes and a staff, drama masks, flowers and a lot of other things to represent her interests. It turned out very cool. It goes from the tip of his shoulder to his elbow and nearly all the way around. It really is a piece of art.

He has several tats. Another hand drawn portrait of his son on the other shoulder. Which will eventually have embellishments as well and a pin-up type tat of his wife on his belly - I cant even explain this one. Again its very tasteful (and yes I have seen it) but not something I would get done.

Anyway, I just can't get the image of him half-naked in our break room out of my mind. I figured I will see him in even less this summer when we go boating and stuff since he is Best Buddy's dad, so whats the big deal?

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