Friday, December 07, 2007

Another First

Thanks to my sister who suggested and highly recommended quiet time for my son. You rock! I have instituted it during Miss I's nap time for Bubba. He doesn't have to sleep but he does have to spend one hour in his room quiet. It only happens on my days off, but it is worth it. Especially when we have some kind of big deal going on. Like, say, he gets to have his FIRST SLEEP OVER!!

We had planned a McDonald's party Saturday for his birthday, but I didn't get the invites out to his classmates soon enough... someone else beat us to the same date. So, to avoid the competition and any hurt feelings it might cause, I cancelled his party at McD's and we came up with Plan B. Plan B was to have dinner Friday night at the Mexican place down the street "so they can sing to me" and then have Best Buddy spend the night. Then he can go the classmates party on Saturday and no one is the wiser. So tonight is the Friday night.

Unfortunately Best Buddy has school all day (maybe it was a good thing) so I am going to pick him up at 4ish and then we have an hour and a half to kill before dinner so I bought some gingerbread houses for them to assemble. Only I forgot Miss I, so I am going to make a quick trip to Safeway so she can make something too. Heaven forbid she have to find something else to do. It would be torture for the both of us!! After dinner, Frosty the Snowman is on at 8 so we will let the boys watch it if they want to, or they may choose to watch The Robinson's since Bubba will get that at his party tonight. All in all it should be a fun night! I tried to make it a little more special by letting Bubba choose some snacks for them for tonight and we picked out a "Cars" cake. (Which I proceeded to smoosh, but he is the most gracious thing ever, "Oh that's okay it will be fine.")

Saturday is the classmates party, (mental note: buy girl gift for 6 year old) and then My Honey arranged a babysitter so we can go shopping! See, I didn't need to worry at all.


Wentworth Family Blog said...

Good Luck with the sleepover! And tell that little cutie of yours happy birthday from my clan!

dawn klinge said...

I love quiet time. I still have my eight year old rest in the afternoon(she's home schooled and uses this time for reading). It sure helps me get through my day easier. Happy birthday to your little guy- we had a birthday party this weekend also. December sure is a busy month to have a birthday.