Tuesday, May 05, 2009

40 hours

I don't think I am going to work a 40-hour week this month. (No, that's not a complaint, just an observation!)

It wasn't planned that way, just worked out that someone or other is sick and I get to stay home. Plus we have a getaway planned around the end of the month, so a few more days off there. Oh yeah, there are those THREE 12-hour shifts Memorial Day weekend, I take it back, I won't work a 40 hour week until those 3 days!

Here's the deal. My Honey's dad had unexpected open heart surgery last week so we switched off who would work and when to make up for my MIL who takes care of the kids (except Friday - THANKS DW!!!) Now, Miss I has a stomach flu so I am taking tomorrow off, who wants a sick kid around when you've just had your chest cracked open? He's doing very well, out for walks every day since he was released on Sunday, but still, can you imagine puking after that kind of surgery? Me either.

Miss I seems to be doing a lot better this afternoon, but she seemed okay this morning too and then surprised us by puking up her breakfast! Talk about a monkey wrench in our day. I had scheduled Bubba to get two teeth pulled at the dentist, what am I to do with a puking 3 year old while he gets teeth pulled? Thankfully My Honey's job has some flexibility and he was able to take the morning off to take him to the dentist while I stayed home with the sickie.

Bubba has been a trooper! He's got these big huge gaping holes in his mouth where they took the teeth out, and hasn't complained about the pain one time yet. They had to pull a couple teeth to make room for the ones that are in to straighten out. I imagine this will go on for a couple years. Grow a tooth, pull a tooth. Bummer he inherited his mother's small mouth.

The weather has been wacky! We had snow at about the 1000' level last week, then 70+ degree days just in time for Thursday and Friday of Apple Blossom then it rained a lot of yesterday and last night. Now the wind has come up, hopefully this will be short lived and blow the WARM summer weather in!

Did I mention the concert at the park on Friday night? It was really fun. Fat Happy rocked da house! Okay, they rocked the park! My SIL and I had a lot of fun. Definitely a do-over when they play next year. I also read they are playing in June at one of the local coffee shops. That's a definite must-do too!

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