Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was nice. We left town for the weekend. My Honey and I got to spend some time together alone in Seattle - gotta love Pike Street. The weather was nice and I got a new phone. A "shaver phone" according to Bubba. (You figure it out). I am still figuring out all the cool stuff it does.

We spent the weekend with my Dad. He and his wife manage the stables in their community so Bubba gets to go help feed the horses, their 14 year old daughter (my sister "Little D") loves Bubba and they were willing to watch the kids all day so we could spend the aforementioned time alone in Seattle. They do my heart good. All weekend Bubba kept saying "Happy Mothers Day" it was really cute.

Punkin Head did really well sleeping in her playpen, the only thing was she woke up during the night. So much for that good nights sleep I had mentioned. She finally got back into it last night which was just in time. Yesterday it was hard to be nice but today it might have been impossible to be nice.

She is getting so big! She will be 6 months tomorrow and I am sure she weighs at least 20 pounds, and she is almost too long for her car seat. She is starting to get strong enough to sit up and she loves her daddy! He can walk into a room where she is, go right to her and when she sees him her whole face lights up. Its just amazing. Did I have that effect on Bubba? I don't think I did.

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