Saturday, April 28, 2012

The past week

Oh, I have a lot to say about the past week, but I am still sitting on a few things, trying to tie it all together, so you'll have to wait. In the mean time I do have some "real" pictures to post. I actually took these with my "real" camera and even spent a few minutes editing them.

My nieces and several of our great friends at the parade today!
... No, I did not take all those kids to a parade alone, there were a couple other moms there too!
(Missed you Mason & LK)

Another niece in the parade! Way to go Madi :)

April showers earlier this week. This is my most recent favorite picture.
Seriously, this isn't the west side, Mother Nature.

Dorika and Hannah on one of her (many) days home from school with a broken foot last week.
I'm not sure which one looks cuter in this photo, or which one gets her way the most often!

1 comment:

The Loidhamer Family said...

Can't wait to hear what's going on. Wish you were coming this weekend and we could gab in person!!!