Thursday, September 03, 2009


I read this the other day about Yom Kippur and I liked it:

"Yom Kippur, the day of public and private atonement, a sacred withdrawal from the world for twenty-four hours in order to become right with God and others, so that real life might be renewed with passion and purpose."

The author goes on to say "... it's time for turning over a new leaf so that our lives might be restored."

It spoke to me on many levels. Maybe next year I can plan ahead, actually withdrawal from the world for 24 hours... Can you imagine?? Get right with God. Get right with others. Get right with myself.

Yeah, I know, kind of deep thoughts.

In other news, school started! I have TWO kids in school. It's kind of a mixed bag of emotions. I am very glad to see them go, we all need the break, but I miss them too. Miss I is just going on M,W,F mornings for a couple hours to pre-school. My girl DW (love that girl) recommended the pre-school her kids have gone to. What a great choice! It's not far from home, on the way to work for My Honey, not too expensive AND she will take Miss I part-time for day care.

Bubba is a second grader. He had "butterflies in my stomach until we got to the fence and then I was fine." He was talking about the fence around the school yard. I am very excited for him this year, he has some familiar kids in his class, some new ones too and his teacher is a science-y type which is right up his alley! She spends part of her summer break at a science camp so she brings back LOTS of great stuff.

I took pictures of the kids on their first day, but have not downloaded them yet, I am waiting on some new RAM and want to see if it makes a difference. Or, maybe I am rebelling against the system, everyone else posted pictures of the first day and I'm NOT. Either way, check back later, I am sure I will get around to it before too long.

Lastly, I have had (more) time off. I took part of this week off to be able to take the kids to school on their first day. I know, what a mom! Its been very relaxing, having nothing to do. The most effort I have put into life is mowing the lawn today. Seriously! I might go for a run or a ride tomorrow morning after I drop the kids off, but other than that, I have totally been chillin. Its been nice.

OK, wait, one more thing! The Nickelback concert was a TON of fun! Saving Abel, Papa Roach and Hinder opened for them. A definite do-over, same band, different band, who cares, it was fun, fun, fun. I might have lost my mind a little, danced, sang out loud, smoked, drunk-texted, who knows - what happens at the Gorge stays at the Gorge right? Right ;)

1 comment:

The Loidhamer Family said...

Why wait til next year?