Thursday, November 29, 2007

More 3-5

This post keeps coming back to me.

Today, at oh-dark-thirty, Good Morning America was in Leavenworth filming a mock-up of the annual Christmas Lighting Festival. Leavenworth is close enough I had to go. (See the one about going to the filming of a show, it wasn't the Today show, but it was close enough.) So, on my day off, I awoke at my regular time (2am) and got ready for my day and headed west. The drive would have been uneventful if it hadn't snowed several inches last night. My Honey and I agreed (well, I gave in) that if it snowed 4 or more inches I wouldn't go. Luckily it didn't snow 4 inches, so I went. It was a slow drive out, just for caution, but other than that, I had no problems. As for the guy whose truck had flipped, well, he would have another tale to tell.

I hung out up there for nearly two hours just looking on. I didn't get too involved. By the time I got there a crowd of maybe 50 or so had already gathered in "the" spot, and not knowing anyone to crowd in with I just hung back. It was fun to watch everyone, watch the crowd grow. There were probably 300-400 by 4:30 when I left. People of all ages, kids, a tour bus of old folks from Roseburg Oregon, lots of people dressed in traditional Bavarian dress. They had performances lined up for an hour or so of dancers, choirs, the hand bell choir, lots of folks. Its fun to see a large group into something. Its so not me - being into something. But it sure is fun to observe.

I gotta tell you, my favorite thing wasn't the Bavarian folks, it was the guy dressed as Sponge Bob. I am sure he got broadcast, who could have resisted?

My pictures didn't turn out too well, apparently I was shaky, so they are all blurred, except this one of the horses.

All in all I am glad I went, I would have preferred to see HOW the stuff was done, but it was fun to be there. To say I was. Now if my toes would stop stinging and feel normal again.

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