Tuesday, May 29, 2007

5 Reasons

Five reasons why I blog about the things on my blog courtesy of LSL (thanks, doll)

5. I thought if I blogged about stuff I would quit boring people with talking.
4. I was wrong.
3. Sometimes I just need to think out loud.
2. Originally it was for extended family.
1. I don't think any of them are reading.

The rules tell me to tag 5 people. Since I already broke the rules by not having 5 reasons, no tags today (goes with my rebellious side)

In other news: I am getting so tan.
Yesterday in Chelan started my obnoxious, "have to be the tannest"quest. My sister was tanner than me and it made me so jealous. I'll fix her. So I read in the sun today during lunch and then took the kids to the park after school. Watch out!

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