Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Another Hour

Ahhh, another hour to myself. Lucky me.

I keep reminding myself to tell this Punkin Head story:

She fell off My Honeys lap the other night - don't ask, he doesn't know. "She was there then she wasn't." Apparently she hit her jaw on Grandpa's chair and then fell to the floor. Somewhere along the way she also bit her tongue which bled. I am sure it was pretty traumatic for everyone there. Except for Bubba who said "that was funny."

I had called home that night from work as I usually do to get a kid update and see how My Honey was and he tells me the story: Baby fell out of my lap, hit her chin, bit her tongue etc. It was either that night when I went in to feed her or the next morning, but the funniest thing happened. She is saying "Da Da Da" as I go into the room, and I tell her "It's me Ma Ma." She keeps saying "Da Da Da." When I get to her crib I see her with her hand in her mouth still saying "Da Da Da" as if she is trying to tell me that she fell off daddy’s lap and hit her mouth. Amazing. It is scary how early they try to communicate. She is clearly wanting to do a better job of it too, she gets in the car with me and Bubba and its a competition to see who can get the most sounds out between her and him. What will that look like in a year? Bubba was speaking very well at 2. (And non-stop ever since.)

Its great to see her trying something though because I swear she is not the least bit interested in crawling or walking. But she can ROLL anywhere she wants to. Anywhere!

And lastly, its FRICKIN COLD here. Its been in the 50-60's until Sunday. Then it turned COLD. It's all of 35 degrees today. I know, it’s the end of October for goodness sake, but please, couldn't we have gradually eased into winter? BRRRRRRR

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