Monday, July 31, 2006

Change is in the air

I went into Punkin Head's room and found this the other morning. Hmmm, an upside down foot can only mean one thing... She rolled over. A quick peek over the railing confirmed this hunch. Yikes, that means she will be mobile soon. *sigh* the carefree days of having an infant that can't do anything for herself will soon be over.

This also means that even though I thought I might get to start sleeping through the night soon that ain't gonna be so. She hates her tummy. She woke up no less than 3 times the other night because she rolled herself onto her tummy and was uncomfortable. Luckily she went right back to sleep (or continued her sleep more comfortably) as soon as she was turned over. But DAMN 3 times?

Don't get me wrong, I know she needs to learn to live with it, to be comfortable on her tummy or to learn to roll back over, but for the time being I am not going to sacrifice (much more of) my sleep. She will just have to wait until my days off to figure it out. Then it doesn't matter as much if I sleep at night, I can take a nap.

Bubba is taking a swim lesson this summer. He is doing pretty well, being able to touch the bottom has given him an all new confidence. He even went off the diving board. This is huge, he is pretty cautious. He hates to be in another room of the house from everyone else. My sister called him "co-dependent" yesterday, I'd rather use the word "needy", although neither one is a great thing to be. So we work on it. Little by little. I hope he gets used to being alone - not alone, alone, but alone in the same house as someone else. Because it gets tiring and sometimes I want to be alone.

It's been a rough week. I had to rely on people who aren't always reliable recently and it took a lot out of me. That and the sleep deprivation reached its 2 week limit. Rough day yesterday. Thankfully I made it through and today has a much better outlook. First its my Friday, yay. Second, Grandma is back today and is going to watch the kids for some extra hours today so I can escape. And third, I have a massage tomorrow morning, ahhhh. Life looks good today.

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