Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Two Minutes

I've come into contact with the book Atomic Habits twice in the past few days. I have yet to read it, but I will. The short and sweet of what I have heard about the book is, if you want to create new habits, start with two minutes of what ever it is you're trying to do. So, two minutes of writing. Here I am.

There are lots of things on my mind, but lets talk about my visit with a friend last night. 

Even though she is twenty years younger than me (how can someone who is 30 be twenty years younger than me???) we have gotten along really well since we met back when I trained her. Notable: she was the first trainee I brought home to meet the family. I don't know why but that was just how things worked out. (PS time's up). Anyway, when I left my job back in January she is one of the handful I have missed so we were finally able to get together last night, drink margaritas and talk about all the going-ons of the past six months. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to do something similar again.

This has happened with my old work-mates only a few times. A long walk last month with one of my girls, a random visit on the front porch a couple weeks ago, and a long near-emotional hug at the chiropractors office. I miss my peeps. That has been one of the hardest parts of starting a new job, nobody gets me -yet. Plus, I was a trainee, so I really didn't get to have a personality until I was on my own-ish. The fun side anyway, I didn't need to be a distraction or be distracted by myself, if that makes sense.

So I wonder what I can do two minutes a day to create connection?

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