Saturday, July 21, 2007

Note to self

Dear Self,

Next time you "don't go anywhere" for vacation, plan to go SOMEWHERE.
You need to get out of town for a night (or two) to rejuvenate.
A few hours here and there just doesn't do it. Especially when you spend a small part of each day doing dishes, laundry, cleaning, watching the kids and shit like that.
Don't be angry this time, you didn't know better. But next time, plan something. (Yes, I am talking about Labor Day).

Thanks, you wont regret it.

Obviously not a perfect vacation, but at least I didn't have to work. To all the stay-at-home-moms out there, who do this every day, every month for years on end - I honestly salute you. I don't have what it takes.

(Special thanks to the Dear Friend who was there on my worst day this past week when only cuss words came out about my effing vacation, you're my SAHM hero). She even made a trip across town to our house with a special gift for me. Thanks.


LSL said...

I know your note-to-self was serious, but it struck me as hilarious. Good for you for figuring it out and making sure you do what you need to next time. :)

Rainey said...

Thanks LSL, it was 1/2 & 1/2. Getting it out felt better. Hopefully I will take my word for it in August.