Friday, March 09, 2007

Aging, a soapbox and good news

Well, I was confronted with my age this week in a way I didn't like at all.

I went in for a yearly exam. No big deal (except for the complete violation of ME). Afterward, my Doctor tells me that we should probably get a baseline mammogram before I am 40 so we have it on file. So I start to respond that I have a few years, but in reality - well, no I don't. Before I am 40 is, well it turned out to be today at 2:30.

What a process. Thankfully my new friend Amy was kind, funny and well, not gentle but she knew how to get my less-than-A-cup-boobies right where she needed them. A lot of practice I am sure. How would you like that as a clinical trial? "We are looking for women under 40 who have never had a mammogram so we can train in proper technique." Uh, no thanks. Not even for a thousand bucks. Well, maybe for a thousand bucks.

But as with all precautionary things, it should be done. Apparently you should have a baseline done before you are 40 and then yearly after that. If you have a history of breast cancer in your family, you should have one done sooner that that. (There, done with the soapbox.)

It sure made me feel old though, knowing someone thinks I am that close to the big 4-0. Or that I am considered close to 4-0. YIKES. I had hoped my 30's might last 3 more years!

And just to make me fee a little older: I did a Pilates class on Tuesday that I am still sore from. Coughing and sneezing have really sucked today!

In good news, Punkin Head's rash is all but gone, everyone seems healthy, the sun has been shining and its DST (daylight savings time) soon.

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