Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas re-cap

Well, how I'd love to post some Christmas pictures, but guess what? MY CAMERA BROKE. About an hour into Christmas Eve it quit operating. The shutter won't open. So I refer to the troubleshooting guide which tells me to take it to a repair shop. Dang it! And its a beautiful frosty morning and I cant take pictures. Bummer for me.

Otherwise Christmas Eve and Christmas were pretty good. Christmas Eve I worked and then we went to My Honey's family for our traditional fondue dinner. MMMMM. We had to make a last minute run to the liquor store (yes for the churchy side of the family) for brandy for the fondue. We came back bearing a brown bag and you should have seen the look in my Brother-in-law's eyes! It was priceless. Good times. The kids were very good and we came home with a truck load of stuff. It was late and the kids crashed out!

Christmas Day I had off. We expected to be awakened by the kids at 5:30 because that's the regular time, but Nooooo, they slept IN!! No one was up and around until after 7! It was really nice considering I had slept very poorly the night before. We did our Christmas thing-y here. Opened presents to and from each other. At 8:30 we started to get ready to go to my moms house. She was having breakfast for everyone and... more presents! We got there a little late, but they kept mimosas and biscuits and gravy for us! MMMMM more food. We ate and then opened presents.

I have to say it was one of the least stressful Christmases at my moms. Even with my Step-dad (they are divorced) and Auntie-Aunt there (they don't always get along well). Everyone did really well getting along. I find myself sometimes playing a kind of mediator role for everyone and I made a conscious decision not to do that this year, so it was a lot less stressful for me. And, what do you know, they got along on their own! Maybe I cause more problems than I solve. Hmmmm, food for thought.

WOW, last Christmas sucked!!! I just re-read this post... I had forgotten how crappy last year was. Funny, it seemed like it would never end when I was in the middle of it huh? But here I am and what a relief. I definitely made some good decisions last year.

Harry's favorite gifts this year were $15 cash and a roll of blue painters tape. Blue tape is the best ever! He uses it for everything. Making webs, snowflakes on the windows, blocking the doors, hanging up pictures on the walls, holding projects together.

Hannah's favorite gift appears to be her new doll and all the accessories my mom found her; a crib, car seat and stroller. Both kids have actually been having a good time with them.

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